Dieses Video wurde scheinbar schon vor einer ganzen Weile bei Youtube hochgeladen und besteht größtenteils - wenn nicht sogar vollständig - aus Ausschnitten, die auch in anderen Zusammenschnitten zu finden sind. Dennoch trifft vieles von dem, was darin gesagt wird, auch für uns zu:
"... Regardless of age and experience, daily practice still begins with the very basic techniques of punches and kicks. It requires a great dedication to practice such a basic technique every day. This dedication builds discipline, strength and mental toughness..."
"... In Karate without a fighting spirit you will lose and without a focused mind you have no spirit to win. These fighting spirit helps them to endure the pain and exhaustion even when the opponent keeps coming back..."
"... Karate is not a fighting system with the goal to win, but rather the passing of mental and physical tests. It is to advance the development of human character through hard training..."
"... Regardless of age and experience, daily practice still begins with the very basic techniques of punches and kicks. It requires a great dedication to practice such a basic technique every day. This dedication builds discipline, strength and mental toughness..."
"... In Karate without a fighting spirit you will lose and without a focused mind you have no spirit to win. These fighting spirit helps them to endure the pain and exhaustion even when the opponent keeps coming back..."
"... Karate is not a fighting system with the goal to win, but rather the passing of mental and physical tests. It is to advance the development of human character through hard training..."
Und mal abgesehen davon... Ogura Sensei u.a. beim Makiwara-Training zu sehen und den Klang vom Aufschlag der Faust zu hören ist zumindest für mich Grund genug es zu gucken.
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